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Pause & Reflect

by Dale

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Do you remember the story of when Jesus calmed the storm? He instructed the disciples to get in their boat and cross the lake. And as they were crossing over, there came up a terrible, strong storm. They were so afraid and were amazed that Jesus slept through the rocking of the boat. They woke him up, in great fear, and asked him if he didn’t care about what happened to them.

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

~Mark 4:39

And afterward, He asked them why they were so fearful and so afraid. They were in complete awe and so amazed of what he could do, where even the wind and the sea obeyed him.

We can learn from that lesson. No matter the storm. No matter the crisis we experience, we can count on Him. And sometimes, it takes a storm to call our attention to the fact we haven’t been doing such a good job at relying on him. We haven’t been putting our trust in Him.

Currently, we’ve been “tasked” to take a Pause. To be still. To self-isolate ourselves for safety from an invisible storm. A storm we cannot see but are all feeling its presence. We feel its presence from messages in the media. From constant news updates and social media posts. The uncertainty of what lies ahead. It creates fear and dismay. It creates uncertainty and angst.

We feel a strong uncertainty from many perspectives. For you it might be the loss of your job and concerns about financial uncertainties. For another it could be about having enough food to last while in quarantine. For another it could be the actual illness that is that invisible storm in our presence or the loss of someone close due to its onslaught.

I’d like for you to go to Isaiah chapter 40 and read it through. The very first words in that chapter reflect its theme.

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” Says your God.

I was on a prayer call yesterday and one of the things that was shared was that the antidote to fear is listening to and hearing from the LORD. In verse 28 of this same chapter we’re told: The everlasting God, the LORD, The Creator of the ends of the earth, Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable. We can rely on Him. He’s got this. But I know, just like his disciples in that boat, we must place our trust in Him. And completely place our trust that he neither faints nor is weary. We can pause & reflect.

pause & reflect

Walking along the inlet yesterday, I noticed a sign warning the boaters to slow their speed. But I felt like that sign was there for me. I was meant to see that sign at that particular time. It kind of took me aback. A very clear message that really resonated with me. Slow speed. Minimum wake. Until further notice. So timely. So clear. Until further notice. For me, pause & reflect.

We don’t know how long this “Pause” is going to take place. We don’t know how long it’s going to take to slow the spread of this virus. The only thing we do know is that it will be “until further notice”.

And so, we can take this time and complain about the restrictions on our lives. We can take this time and scoff at the panic shopping and the hoarding of supplies. We can worry and fret to no end. Or we can take this time to apply the word of the LORD and listen to his promptings. We can take this time to Pause & Reflect.

Today, I’m offering you a free study tool. I really hope it will help you to be organized in your study time with the LORD. It’s a simple form. You choose the topic that is weighing on your mind. Or one you’re curious to learn more about. Maybe it’s Fear. Maybe it’s Loss. Or maybe it’s Hope. Maybe you just want to look up the word Still or Peace in the bible. See what kind of messages are there about pausing. You can enter in the topic and the scripture verses you’ve found on it. Then take the time to contemplate on what you’ve read. There’s a place for your notes. I’ve also placed a box for you to enter the date as I thought that would bring relevance for the future.

All you need to do is sign up for my free Newsletter below. I promise to never spam you or send you ridiculous amounts of emails. I would like to stay in touch though and share with you relevant posts.

I'm so happy you've chosen to sign up for the Newsletter! Accept this Free Study Tool designed to help you in delving deeper into scripture! And look forward to more as the Newsletter continues to roll out.

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I hope you’ll enjoy this tool. I’ll be creating some other useful ones for you to use in the future and will share them as they are developed.

In Psalm 4:4, another psalm of David, he tells us to meditate within our heart and to be still; in verse 5 he instructs us to put our trust in the LORD, and he concludes with this.

I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.

~Psalm 4:8

May you find yourself called to Pause and Reflect in these days ahead. To find safety in Him. And may that bring you great peace. ~Dale

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