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Who Am I

by Dale

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Not Worthy

You may wonder what makes me qualified to express the words I share in this blog. And that’s okay. I often ask the same of myself. You can turn to so many other people out there who are more educated, better equipped, and biblically trained than me. And I commend them. I appreciate them. And I follow and study the teachings of many who help me in my daily walk. And I encourage you to do the same.

For this truth I know. I am not worthy. But let me explain how that shouldn’t stop me. Let me tell you why it is so important for me to carry on. And, why I hope you will continue to visit my page. For transformation is my focus. I have a perspective that reflects growth and change. It’s not about me. It’s all about Him. My desire is for you and me to have a closer understanding of who Jesus is and how we can improve our relationship with Him. And so, allow me to turn the attention from myself and toward Him.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

~Romans 12:2

On a Mission

Because, our mission here on earth is to praise Him and glorify His name. And to be ambassadors of Christ, no matter whether we feel we are worthy or not. Let’s be prepared to give a defense. We must go beyond our own self-doubts and insecurities and seek to know Him better so we can be better equipped.

Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

~2 Corinthians 5:20-21


There are multiple individuals in the bible of ordinary descent that God used in extraordinary ways. To name a few, there was Moses and Isaiah, John the baptist and Peter; all of whom questioned their qualifications and worthiness. But today, I’d like to share with you an illustration of two more people that the LORD used to make a difference because of their belief. But, most of all because of their faith.

The first story is found in Luke, Chapter 7, and it involves the centurion soldier. In biblical times, a centurion was a soldier assigned to the leadership of 100 men. They were held in the highest regard, noble, courageous, and dependable. And this centurion was no exception. He was highly respected even in the Jewish community where they described him as loving their nation and to have even built them a synagogue. He found out that Jesus was in the area and thusly sent out some Jewish elders to seek Jesus and bring him to heal one of his servants who was sick.

The Jewish elders bragged on the centurion. But, when the centurion found out Jesus was approaching the house, he sent out friends requesting for Jesus to not trouble himself. You see, he felt he was not worthy to have Jesus enter his home. But still, he had belief. And he knew, if Jesus would just say the word, his servant would be healed. He might have been ordinary. But, his faith was so strong, he knew that even if Jesus would just utter the words for his servant to be healed, it would happen. You can read the entire story, here, in Luke Chapter 7:1-10.


Next, the second person. But this one would certainly not be someone you or I would consider as noble or good. He was actually an enemy of Christians, a murderer even. His name was Saul. And in a pivotal moment in time, God uses him in such a tremendous way. And because of him, Christianity spread throughout the world. Talk about an extraordinary use of an ordinary person!

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “Road to Damascus Moment”? It is an expression turned to describe someone who has had an epiphany. A pivotal awakening, even. It’s often used to describe a transformational moment in time and after its occurrence in someone, they will never be the same. Well, that phrase came from the story of Saul’s transformation that can be found in Acts chapter 9.

The story actually begins in chapter 8. He was on a rampage, carrying off devout men and women to prison for their faith. But, then a wonderful thing happens. Saul is surrounded by light and hears a voice from heaven. And after his conversion Saul, later called by the biblical Greek name of Paul, for over thirty years went on to spread the good news of the Gospel and write over half of the New Testament.

Saved by Grace

So, back to who am I. I am no one of particular importance.

I am a lone voice. Exercising my faith. And a sinner saved by Grace. But, joined with other Christians, we become one body in Christ. And although not worthy individually, together, and in the Spirit, we make a difference. We become whole.

So, I close with this final message and a hint toward my next blog post.

Not Ashamed

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.

~Romans 1:16

So, don’t be afraid to be ordinary. Cling to your faith. And know you can make a difference, in Christ. With a transforming heart, Dale

**Friend, after I wrote this, I watched the movie, Paul, Apostle of Christ. I read some of the reviews on it prior to watching. And yet I still did not expect the dark and horrific depiction portrayed in some of the scenes. But, I would still recommend it. As a matter of fact, I went back and bought it. A few memorable lines worth mentioning are the advice from Paul to Luke to “boast only of weakness” and from Luke, “God’s kingdom is open to us all”. I encourage you to click the following link and purchase it yourself. *Step into the latter portion of Paul’s life and watch this moment in time come alive!

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1 comment

Mandy September 15, 2020 - 1:02 pm

What a beautiful Blog AD. Although I see you as extraordinary and of very specific importance, I love how you encourage those of us who do not feel worthy to execute our calling and share our passion and talents with the world to do so. This is a beautiful reminder that no matter our earthly stature, we are all fueled with something special, something that should be shared with our world and used to bless those in it. LOve. ~All My Best~Mandy


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