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No Wake Please

by Dale

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This weekend I enjoyed a weekend getaway with my sister to visit our cousins that recently moved into a new place. They had invited us to come visit and see their new homestead and the lovely idyllic little town they have relocated to.

It was a peaceful two days enjoying the company of our sweet hosts. 

They took us to some great local eating establishments, talked late into the night and regaled us with stories of their recent move. A move from a home they had resided in for over 30 years. They took us for an enjoyable and scenic boat ride that gave us a different view of the little town they relocated to.

And although their new home is absolutely gorgeous, truly, it is; I’m sure the move couldn’t have been easy. This was a change from a home they had built and pretty much raised their children in; a home with lots of loving memories and milestones in all their lives. A home they felt safe and comfortable in. But, I also believe that they have found a profound truth in this move. Oliver Wendell Holmes said it best, actually.

Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.

~ Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

And how do we nurture a loving home? How do we make it welcome to our friends and family? How do we make it inviting, a place of warmth? How do we respect others when visiting their home?

We respect our surroundings. We create an atmosphere of peace. We allow laughter and merriment but, also tears and times for sorrow when building a life together in a place we call home. We allow mistakes. But, only where chances for growth are enabled. We create a safe place. A place of harmony.

It makes me think of that No Wake Please sign. It’s not about “creating waves” but about respecting our boundaries and surroundings. It’s not about tiptoeing around to not make noise but, about walking softly to be considerate of others.   

And it’s about a place where truth is spoken, no matter how difficult. A place where wisdom can be found, if one looks long and hard enough. 

   By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established.

~ Proverbs 24:3 NIV

So wherever you call home. Whatever place makes you feel the most loved, or maybe, it’s whomever makes you feel that way; please remember to respect those around you. 

And just like that decrepit dock in the No Wake Please picture at the beginning of this post, you’ll weather whatever storms come your way, because you will have built a place you too, can call home.

May this message guide you to reflect on what home means to you and how you can respect, honor and flourish in it with all those who cross it’s threshold. Amen

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