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Be the Flower, not the Weed

by Dale

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Sometimes, I notice something simple that just speaks to me. And at that moment, I think to myself, I need to snap a picture of that! There’s a lesson in there somewhere. There’s a post waiting to be written. To be shared with you. And I’m telling you, standing outside of church this past Sunday, talking with my sister, I looked down and there were these flowers looking so pretty. Growing right there amongst the weeds. In fact, they were part of the weeds. And I knew, there was a message for us there. So, I took this picture!

Now, I have a question for you. Let me ask you. Has life gotten you down? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you’re feeling anxious, feeling like your soul is being taken over by the burdens and toils of your life. Are you drowning in your responsibilities and in the weight of carrying it all on your own?

Are you feeling strangled by obligations and duties? By work and your home life?

Webster’s definition of a weed is: “a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth, especiallyone that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants.”

Maybe, you’re feeling like that weed, without meaning or worth; growing where you don’t belong, strangling out all that is beautiful surrounding you.

Ah. But maybe, you feel like the flower, cultivated for it’s beauty. A pleasure for all who sees or comes in contact with it. You feel valuable. You have merit. You have a purpose.

Or, does that not explain how you’re feeling? Maybe, you feel like both. You know, a flowering weed. Like the one on the top of this page. You sometimes feel Beautiful. Worthy. Special. You’re trying to stand out in a field of weeds, (an undesirable situation), but feeling smothered by just, stuff! Stuff that brings you back down.

Well, I’m telling you friend, there is someone on your side. Someone who understands and cares for you. Someone who gets it. Someone who is reaching out to you, calling your name, resting on your heart that there is more! More than the weeds. More than the flowering ones, even. There’s a better life.

  Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. ~ Jesus

Stop living your life for temporary pleasures. For money. For fame. Let all that go, and live for Him. The weeds will separate, fade and feel like they’re disappearing. That flower we talked about will bloom for all it was intended and although you’ll still have obstacles and pressures from every day life, you’ll have someone there with you. Someone you can turn to, no matter what happens.

And by the way, He never promised it would be easy. In fact, it will be very hard. But at the same time, you will feel more fulfilled and gratified than ever before. You’ll have a purpose.

Bloom right there

Yes. I mean right where you’ve been planted. Right there amongst those weeds and weighing responsibilities. The anxieties. The struggles. The hardships. ‘Cause you’ve got this!

You’re the Flower

May the LORD guide you to a better day as you continue your walk with Him, transforming your heart to put all your trust in Him. Amen.

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