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A Transforming Heart

by Dale

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Yep. That’s me! I love the LORD and I know that I am a child of God. But, that doesn’t mean that I’m perfect. Wow, I don’t even come close! But, it does mean that my love and commitment to Him is something that I think about daily. It’s how I start out most days. 

He is my shining light. To Him I entrust my life.

But, I wish I did more to live by His precepts. To follow in His ways. To call on Him more. And since I started getting serious about starting this blog, I’ve thought about how I should worship Him more. How I should be a better example of His love and what that means to me and what it can mean for you. 

   True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. ~ C. S. Lewis


I want to think of Him more. Place Him first in all aspects of my life.

Allow me now to share a brief prayer to bless this blog and all those reading it. I pray my words and my meditations will be a soothing salve to your soul and that your day will be brightened by something you’ve read from it. Let’s choose to walk together in His truth.

Daily Blog Prayer

Holy Spirit, guide my words and show me the way to go.

Lord, I pray that I will be decreased as You are increased.

I pray that my words will reflect your love and your light.

And lastly, I pray that I can serve with the strength that you provide, Lord, and that my influence will reach multitudes in your name.

Guide my words, oh God

Let’s linger in His Word. Let’s focus on scripture content. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest. I believe He will. 

My journey, like most of yours, has had its ups and downs. I’ve been on fire for the LORD. UP. I’ve put me first and thought of Him less. DOWN.  I’ve studied His Word daily. UP. I’ve allowed my struggles and worries to be first in my life. DOWN. I’ve made it a habit to talk with Him throughout the day. UP…

See a pattern there? You get the picture. Right? Well, my hope here is that what I share with you is real. It’s honest. And its beneficial to your walk with Him as well as to mine. Let’s make this commitment together to improve our daily walk.

Magnifying the Lord

I pray that as I share more about Jesus with you, the less you’ll see of me and the focus will be more on Him.

Love & Light and a little bit of Salt

   You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

~ Jesus – Matthew 5:13-16

I pray that I will be lead to speak with authenticity, as I am called to do, and to be a beacon of truth in doing so.

Reaching multitudes

The more that join us here on this journey, the more of Jesus we’ve shared. Right? 

Within this blog, let’s focus on studying here, and sharing positive thoughts and devotions. Lingering in the passages that move us to grow. And sometimes…let’s go off topic and do something creative. Something that inspires us. I’m sure it will be something that brings our focus back to Him anyway!

   The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. ~ Psalm 145:18

May the LORD guide you and protect you. And as you too, find your heart transforming, may He lead you to Grow in His Grace and Walk in His Truth. Amen.

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