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About Me

by Dale
I love hibiscus flowers!

Hi! I’m Dale and I’m so happy you’ve visited my blog. My mission here is to help others and myself grow in His grace and to encourage us all to share in the journey of walking in His truth, transforming lives to honor Christ. I hope you’ll come along side me as I fumble along! You’re sure to find encouraging scripture verses and devotionals here. And sprinkled throughout, you’ll find that I love quotes, the color turquoise in all it’s shades (it is my birthstone after all!), mmm, chocolate, and coffee! And, oh yes! I’m a chandler, love my family and friends and I like to create in different manners that maybe I’ll share with you from time to time on this blog!

   Honor the Lord…

I believe that we should honor the LORD in all that we do. It doesn’t matter our position or station in life, if we seek to honor Him first, we point to Him and his saving grace. And speaking of grace…

   Grow in His Grace…

I am fortunate to know the loving grace of our Great God and want to share that with you! It’s not always easy and many times I’ve asked why in certain situations but the truth is, He never changes. He really is, and has always been, right there beside me. He is the great I Am. I hope you’ll follow along with me here on these pages and together we can gain courage and power and become so much stronger in our walk with the LORD.

   Encourage others…

And can I share with you? When I take the time and the energy to encourage another person, I am lifted as well. I hope you’ll take the above scripture advice from Paul for a spin and see it it doesn’t elevate your spirits and make you smile, too!

   Walk in His Truth…

As my heart continues to transform, and I abide in His Word, I know He will be a constant in my life. Take this journey with me and allow Him to abide in you as I allow Him to abide in me as well.

   He leads me beside the still waters…

So many times, I feel silence, and yet still I know, He is there. In the waiting, I often realize, it’s in His timing. He’s taught me a lot about patience and I am most thankful. He refreshes my spirit. Why else would He lead me beside those still waters? I call out to Him and He hears. But, it’s in the slowing down, in the rest that comes before this that I know. In the stillness, I sense the Holy Spirit. Through reading His Word I catch a glimpse. Through prayer I feel closer to Him. Come along side me and we’ll stay on the lookout for those moments together.

  • Honor the LORD
  • Grow in His Grace
  • Encourage Others
  • Walk in His Truth

   This I believe…