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Don’t be a “fly in the ointment”, instead, bee inspiring

by Dale

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Perhaps you’ve heard the old expression “fly in the ointment”. Do you know where it came from? Most assuredly its origin comes from biblical times, during King Solomon’s reign, when in Ecclesiastes 10:1 he advised, 

As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honor.

~ Ecclesiastes 10:1

But today, when we use that expression, what are we actually saying? It seems obvious, actually, since finding a fly in the ointment could be quite annoying. Not only to find the fly there but to realize the reason it was drawn there was the attraction to the salve. And now it has gone and spoiled it. We’re saying, don’t go and spoil things. Whatever things we’re inferring. 

In a shepherd’s life, summertime assuredly brings with it such annoyances as flies, gnats and other aggravating flying insects. Such a time is dreaded. This is when the flies begin to swarm and are drawn to the sheep and especially their nose cavities. Oh, yuk! Can you just imagine how awful that must be for the sheep? There are stories of sheep going mad from the disturbance of these flies. The pesky insects crawl into their nose, lay eggs and when hatched crawl up into their head and burrow themselves within.

And as disgusting as this is, it paints a compelling analogy to the behavior exhibited by some in today’s world. I suppose some want to be that “fly in the ointment”. But there are some, I’m sure, who have become that and just don’t know how to develop themselves into something else. Something better.

So, what can we do about that? Well, the shepherd would pour soothing oil over the sheep’s head and rub it all in, even up its nose, to comfort and calm the sheep. Learning about this, I just couldn’t get it out of my mind. How, God, in his infinite mercy and goodness, anoints my head with oil. He knows life gets annoying. Life becomes, sometimes, cumbersome. Sometimes it can weigh me down. And here He is. Waiting for me to slow down so that He can soothe my troubled soul. So that He can anoint me with His oil. His Word. His love. His mercy. His grace.

Won’t you allow Him to anoint your head with oil?

And how can we apply this lesson toward our own actions with others? What can we do to be an encouragement to others? To our friends. Our co-workers. Our families.

Bee inspiring. See my play on words there? Just like the bee in this picture, we’re drawn to attractive people, whether in appearance or character.  

So shouldn’t we work on our own behaviors to make ourselves more becoming to others? As Christians, we are called to share the message of Christ with others. We’re also called to help others in need. To inspire others by our actions. To be a light. So…

Bee thoughtful. Bee kind. Bee loving. Bee inspiring. Bee generous. Bee amazing. 

May this message be an encouragement to you. Like Christ pouring anointing oil over your head, may you be soothed and comforted and inspired to do the same for another. Amen

*Want to learn more about the shepherd’s life and come to a better understanding of David’s words in Psalm 23? I recommend “A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23” by W. Phillip Keller. 

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