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FOMO, Maunday Thursday & Free Bookmarks!

by Dale

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FOMO. The fear of missing out. Maybe for you it’s a fear of being excluded. For someone else it might mean the fear of missing out on some juicy gossip. (I hope not.) And yet, in these unique times, these current days, it could mean for many of you the fear of missing the fun you would have had on that vacation you had planned. Or the comfort of visiting a loved one who lives far away.

What are you afraid of missing out on today due to the “safer at home” order and the ban on travel? Did you have that awesome, once in a lifetime vacation planned? Were you planning on attending the wedding of a friend or close loved one? Was there a concert you had planned to attend? Were you rooting for your favorite sports team? Have you been missing your personal  connection with friends? What are you missing out on since our directive of “safer at home”?

Now let’s see what we can do about turning that around. The fear of missing out on something is a fear we can quell by focusing inward. Jesus left us with peace and the loving advice to not allow our hearts to be troubled or afraid. As far as I’m concerned that’s the best way to quell those thoughts of missing out; by focusing on the Holy Spirit that our Father in Heaven has sent to all believers who teaches us all things and reminds us of all Jesus taught while He was on this earth.

Focus inward

Let’s take a different perspective. When we’re focused inwardly, and we call on His name to fill our hearts with reconciliation and not misguided desires, we have a different perspective. And that perspective is what gives us peace.

and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

~Philippians 4:7

And how awesome is that? We then have the opportunity to focus externally. And when we focus outwardly, we are more concentrated on helping others. And when our focus changes toward helping others, we find an inner peace and God is right there with us.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

~Philippians 4:8-9

A new commandment

Today is Maundy Thursday. The day that commemorates the last supper Jesus partook in with the disciples. They broke bread and drank wine. And during that time He gave them a new “maundy”, Latin for commandment, instructing them to love one another. And He demonstrated this by washing their feet.

So you see, by changing our focus away from ourselves and outwardly toward serving others, we not only take away our FOMO but we also place our focus on Him.

Encouraging others

And I understand these are unique times. Serving someone in person may not be possible for you. But an encouraging word for a friend. A phone call to someone to touch base. Writing a card and mailing it out to a senior in a nursing home. Having a video chat with friends online and sharing some laughter. These are wonderful ways to serve others during these unusual times we’re living in. Joining Bible studies online provides a means to share with others and to stay grounded in your Christian Walk. YouVersion is a great app and useful tool to use to find inspiring devotionals, a verse of the day and they even have a Bible quiz app that would be fun to share with others.

And if you’re thinking about starting an online Christian book club with your friends, you can purchase a Kindle through Amazon right here. I found this one, (scroll to the second option), that has a built-in front light and offers three (3) free months of Kindle Unlimited if you so choose.

Free bookmarks!

Or, on the same thought pattern of the book club. I myself, love to hold a book in my hands. And if that’s you, I have something special for you today. Free Book Marks! One for each day of the week. (Print back to back; for example, print page one, then turn the page and print page two on the back side, etc.) I highly recommend you print them on thicker gauge paper, perhaps card stock and use the hash marks I’ve placed for your cutting guide.

Serve others in love

And, as you contemplate what ways you can draw your thoughts outwardly toward doing good and serving others. May your days be filled with joy and fulfillment as you live out His commandment to love your neighbor as yourself.

For you have been called to live in freedom, my brothers and sisters. But don’t use your freedom to satisfy your sinful nature. Instead, use your freedom to serve one another in love.

~Galations 5:13

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