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It’s not me, it’s You!

by Dale

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That’s right. It’s You! Not me. This twist on a classic relationship status caught your attention, didn’t it?

But what if I told you I wasn’t talking about you? What if I told you I was talking about Him. About Christ. 

Yep. Un huh. That’s my message for you today. It’s not me, it’s Him! 

   For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

~ Philippians 1:21

Lately, I’ve been drawn to messages and scripture that are focused specifically on God and His son Jesus Christ. Now, I know what you’re thinking. Aren’t they all focused on Him? 

Well, yes. And no. Yes, the bible is the direct God breathed message and Word He sent to the world. A world mainly focused on “me”, not “You”. And, it is a message all about Him.

What I mean here is that I’ve been focusing on messages and scripture that are drawing my thoughts, my meditations, away from me, (what’s in it for me, right?) and more unto Him.

I’m sure there’s a reason for this. I’m sure He’s trying to tell me something here! I have come to realize that no matter the circumstance, no matter the supposed crisis or situation I find myself in. No matter the joy, even. No matter the happiness I find. 

It’s not about me!

It is, however, about Him!

Maybe today you could choose one of these scripture passages, dig deeper and see what I mean. Romans 11:36, Hebrews 2:10, Joshua 1:8 or from my studies today, Philippians 1:18-24, where I had the epiphany that, hey! Hello! Everything I do should be for the Glory of God. Even in taking a morning walk. None of it should be about me. From keeping my body fit by walking, in my grocery shopping for a healthy lifestyle, to my work and interactions with others  and my private times alone. Everything I do. It should all be for His glory and never about me.

May you continue this journey of transforming your heart. And. May the Lord guide you to this message today to encourage you to delve deeper into what it means to take your own focus away from you and onto Him. Amen

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