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Learn a New Skill

by Dale

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Thinking about the positives during our time of pause, I’ve come up with some questions you might ask yourself. Questions about what this time of pause can do for you. So, in this third issue of the series I’m calling Delving Deeper, ask yourself the following questions.

  • Have I found new meaning in being still?
  • Have I taken this time of pause to deepen my relationship with my immediate family, even finding times to be goofy and find new adventures at home?
  • Have I found time for myself; even while possibly being surrounded by a house full of family?
  • Have I taken advantage of this time to clean out closets, the garage, the kitchen cabinets, and more?
  • Have I found that during this time of slowing down the normal routines in my life that it has provided the opportune time to learn a new skill?
  • And most importantly, have I found more time to spend with God? More time to go to him in prayer. More time to study His Word. More time to worship Him.

Let’s break this down

Being still. The LORD tells us to “be still and know that I am God”. “He makes me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” I have such a deeper understanding of Psalm 23 these days. He’s telling me, He’s got this. The world has slowed down. Our lives have changed dramatically. It feels like everything has been turned upside down. But He is still in control. He protects me as a shepherd does his flock. He provides for me. He quenches my thirst. He restores my soul. And He does that for you as well, my friend.

Being goofy. I’ve seen some fun things families have been doing with each other to break up the monotony of being sequestered at home. I know one couple that set up their camper outside in their driveway and took a “stay-cation” right out their front door. And a set of friends that have used Zoom to host girl-time. And another set of friends took the time to hold a professional style photo shoot of their family. They all got dressed up and took amazing family photos. Don’t be afraid to be goofy with your loved ones. They’re the ones that love you most and will appreciate it most during these uncharted times!

photo by Sara Wether from Pexels

Being one who takes some “me-time”. Don’t be afraid to call a time-out with your family and go sit under a tree outside or in a hammock or even just shutting the bedroom door and reading a book. (And if you are looking for an author with a compelling mystery series, I highly recommend you read the Raleigh Harmon series by Sibella Giorello. I have absolutely loved every one of her books so far. And this first one I’ve linked is free right now on Kindle Unlimited! And then scroll down to purchase her other novels.) Being cooped up with others, no matter how much you love them, can cause strained nerves and short-tempers. Take that me-time. You need it. You deserve it.

Being a suzy-(or stanley)-homemaker. Deep Cleaning and organizing is many times something we, as the saying goes, “put off for a rainy day”. And right now, this is your rainy day. This is your chance to clean out that sock drawer you’ve been meaning to attack, that closet where things tumble out when you open it, the garage where you’ve stored boxes of items you said you’d get to another day. This is the time to create a disciplined approach toward those someday tasks. And then work out that plan in a methodical manner. One at a time. There’s something beautiful about having a task list you can check off as things get completed. Don’t you agree? A feeling of accomplishment right now, even if it’s only one item a day on that checklist marked off, feels euphoric these days. Try it!

Being a student. And how ’bout that new skill you’ve been wanting to learn? I know, for many of you parents, it’s homeschooling your children. I’m hearing this has been a huge learning curve and an eye opener for many parents, grandparents and online support teams garnered toward educating our youth while they are at home and unable to attend a structured classroom in a physical school.

How ’bout you? There are so many free courses on YouTube and even through many universities right now where you can take the opportunity to learn a new skill. Or maybe it’s a craft you’d like to perfect. Recently, I learnt how to make tea envelopes to place a tea bag in to provide as a token gift for an upcoming “tea”. These I am working on in my spare time. And that I have much of. I did go back to work. But only on a limited, part-time basis. I still have extra time and I don’t want to waste it. And I hope you won’t either.

Being closer to God. Have you chosen your additional time, your pause, as an opportunity to dig deeper in scripture? There are many ways to do this. You could choose to study the life of David, for instance. Or Ruth. Or how ’bout choose a specific topic? Like salt? I know that one might sound strange at first, but check out in the New Testament the many times salt has been used and it’s significant meaning. After all, we are called to be both salt & light.

And admittedly, I thought of salt because I wrote part of this post while sitting in our local salt room, at Southern Salt Therapies. Soaking in the therapeutic benefits of halotherapy, listening to the soothing music playing to provide a calming effect during the therapy, I started thinking more about this pause and what it has done for me. And wondered what it has done for you, too. And as I was leaving, I heard one of the clients mention how she had been drawn to look up passages in the bible where salt was mentioned and how she had been lifted by it.

So you see. Our current circumstances can lead us toward a deeper relationship with our Savior. He takes an even simple mineral like salt and gives us pause to figure out its significance in our daily walk. He causes us to realize He wants us to preserve our Christian walk and its influence in this world we live in. Not to lose its flavor, but to share His message with others.

And now, back to learning a new skill. Many people have learnt to make face masks. And some have taken to writing cards and letters to complete strangers. Maybe you’ve learnt how to bake a pie or make a “kitchen sink” soup to ensure nothing goes to waste. All of these are self-satisfying and uplifting in their own way.

And actually. That’s sort of the purpose of this post. Figure out how to learn something new. Develop a new talent or skill. Become better organized. Step away from social media and tv for a time and appreciate this pause. You will experience personal growth and appreciation for this beautiful world we live in.

And most importantly, it will take your mind off the principalities and powers of darkness preying on our consciences! It will give you something positive to appreciate and new goals to set and reach. No. Crush!

I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, And on Your wondrous works.

~Psalm 145:5

Start your day out in prayer and meditation; reading a bible chapter or two, or even simply a verse. Take some time to have some fun. Spend some time alone. Organize some. Study some. Read some. And learn a new skill!

May your path to self-discovery and adventure, even if from your armchair, be a transforming experience! God Bless!

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Evelyn Rebostini April 7, 2020 - 12:29 am

I have certainly been organizing and cleaning recently since I have been working from home. But the first thing I do when I wake up is Thank God for today to make a difference. It might be a difference I make at home or by touching a victims life at work. Prayer gets me through the day. I love your blog! Thank you for taking my call today. You made my day. God has guided you to write so amazing please do not stop. Stay safe and stay well.

Dale April 10, 2020 - 12:14 am

Evelyn, We are commanded to pray unceasingly and I feel assured you have been led by the Spirit to do so. This Maunday Thursday, I’ve thought about our roles in serving others and what that means for me specifically. And how I can do it better. If through this blog I touch others through my words, I will have done the right thing.

And for you, you are definitely touching those victims lives in a positive way, I just know it! You are so suited for the advocate role! Thank you for the encouraging words! Stay tuned for more!


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