Living by Faith
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Living by Faith

by Dale

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It dawned on me yesterday that I had not realized spring had sprung! And with that realization came the next; I had allowed current events and world happenings to cloud my judgement and my point of view and it had kept me from focusing on the promise of spring and all that it symbolizes for me. I had become consumed with my jobless situation, the need to keep physically, socially distant from others and the fact that I really have no idea how long these mandated social distancing guidelines will take place.

And what does the promise of spring mean to me? It takes me back to my childhood, going to church in my brand new purple flowered Easter dress, participating in Easter egg hunts and celebrating our risen savior with my church family. To me, it means family gathering together and eating, sharing favorite dishes and playing games. Sometimes it means scavenger hunts and the smiles and laughter coming from my nieces, nephew and friends as they go on the big hunt. It makes me smile because of all the flowers in bloom, the young fledgling birds coming out of their nests, chirping their melody to the sky, and learning to fly. It’s also the gorgeous palm blooms (and yes, unfortunately the pollen that comes along with them) and the radiant Tabebuia trees all crowned with their proclamation of the glory of God.

Living by Faith

And it reminds me that all is going to be okay. It tells me that He has not given me a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline. and it reminds me that He made a promise to prepare a new home for me. And although this pandemic is scary and it has caused much consternation and dread, it has also brought a renewed focus and attention for me toward God and his principles. If anything good can be proclaimed to have come out of this situation, this it. And it also reminds me to continue to renew my faith, day by day. In my Life Application Study Bible it states in section B of Hebrews chapter 10, “Living by faith is far better than merely fulfilling rituals and rules.”

Will You not revive us again, That Your people may rejoice in You?

~Psalm 85:6

The Psalmist is asking if He will once again restore the land. And he assures us that salvation is near to those that fear Him. The hidden poet in me loves this part so much.

Lovingkindness and truth have met together; Righteousness and peace have kissed each other. Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven. Indeed, the LORD will give what is good,
And our land will yield its produce. Righteousness will go before Him
And will make His footsteps into a way.

~Psalm 85:10-13

This to me is the promise of spring. And yes, the promise of revival. The promise that this too shall pass. And the promise that although we will suffer for a little while, there is so much more in store for us if we just prevail.

Living by Faith

 In the margin of my bible, next to Hebrews 10:24-25, I have written *We need one other. You see, we must continue to encourage one another. To lift each others spirits. To remind ourselves, we are not alone. To continue to reach out, even if we are house-bound. This truly is a time of revival. A time for spiritual growth. A time of thankfulness and for prayerfulness.

Living by Faith

Reach out to someone in your tribe today and let them know you care. Laugh a little. Share your fears if you need to. Listen to theirs. Ask them if they are looking for spiritual connectedness and then provide them with a link to your online church services. Here’s one to the church I attend. Churches right now are congregating through live streaming. They’re making sure the gospel is still being shared, that fellowship takes place; that the lost and searching ones are reached. And that there is a place for all believers to congregate together and still hear the Word preached to them, even if it’s in their own homes. And what an incredible chance for us believers to promote spiritual revival!

And if you know someone who is looking for a great study bible, I use this one myself, the Life Application Study Bible, and can attest to its usefulness and spiritual guidance. In describing its uniqueness, Tyndale House Publishers state that “75% of this bible is application oriented”. I have learned so much through using the teaching applications of this bible. And if you have read many of my posts, you will have seen I use different translations from time to time to best describe the message I am hoping to convey. So just find what you’re most comfortable with and then use that, along with your favorite online bible study tools.

Now, back to today. I started out by telling you about how I had missed spring’s arrival. About my personal predicament during this pandemic crisis. And then, today I received good news! My employer called me to ask if I could come back to work. And while it will be only at a limited capacity right now, I was elated! God always provides. And he sure likes to surprise us. His answered prayer is not in our timing but His own and through our living by faith, we get to see that.

And so my friend, while you ponder on what ways you can spur others on toward your own love and good deeds I hope that Living by Faith will be your new mantra. Be well. ~Dale

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