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Love Came Down

by Dale

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As I’m writing this post, it’s Christmas Eve. And although you won’t be reading this, more than likely, until after the New Year since I am in the final stages of launching this site, I still couldn’t pass up this most important day without acknowledging our Savior Jesus Christ and God’s greatest gift to us in His son.

If you’ve stumbled onto this site and you aren’t a believer, I want you to know you are most welcome here and I encourage you to stay, hoping that you will be blessed by this message. A Transforming Heart is about our learning and growing together, increasing in our knowledge of God.

And while I already see a future post on the topic of increasing in our knowledge of God, my focus here today is on His pure love. The fact that God sent His only son here to us to witness to us the incredible saving power of His grace and His mercy on us all. On that eventful night, the night we’ve all come to call Christmas, Love Came Down.

Now, Jesus has many names listed in the bible; Emmanuel, Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Jehovah, I am. And there are many more. But there is one I’ve discovered that is so beautiful and foretelling, one I don’t see people mention often since it was a description of Him and not really a name. It is the Dayspring from on high.

Isn’t that so beautiful? He came down to us. Love came down! He came to give us light and to teach a better way. A way to peace.

Oh, the joy!

Mary, a simple peasant girl, was humbled to think that she would be considered to bring forth the birth of the savior of the world. What must she have felt? She must have been in such awe. And then her cousin Elizabeth; when Mary first walked in to her home to visit, (Elizabeth was with child as well with John the Baptist), the baby leapt in her womb. He leapt with joy!

When they saw the star, they were filled with joy!

This was the reaction of the shepherds. They knew they would find the baby where the star had stopped.

And so the story continues and I don’t know of any greater love than this. Love not only came down. He gave His life for us!

Friend, I hope you are truly touched by the enormity of that action. I pray you will seek further to fully understand it’s meaning. For it happened for you. It happened for me. Love Came Down.

*To delve deeper into this special message of Love and Hope, I encourage you to read Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-40. I pray you will then become curious to learn more. From there I suggest you move on to the book of John. Much blessings ~ Dale

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