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Prayer Guide

by Dale

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Delving Deeper

When I wrote the post yesterday, Pause & Reflect – Delving Deeper, I really hadn’t intended it to be part of a series. But, today, I realized that I couldn’t just stop there. I couldn’t put a message out there about delving deeper and only touching the surface. That would kind of defeat the purpose. Right? (And I have a feeling I won’t be ending this series just quite yet.) So, anyway. This realization speared me into spending this day creating a prayer guide. It’s a Prayer Guide – for such a time as this; and unlike yesterday you won’t need to sign up for my Newsletter to get the free study resource. It’s just too important for me to not share with you right now, for such a time as this. (Tip: print on both sides of your page, preferable using card stock.)

For Such a Time as This

You may remember the story of Esther. It’s been told many times in sermons and lessons to remind us that we don’t always know why things happen the way they do. And we don’t know why we are placed in circumstances that are out of the norm. But what we do need to know is we must act. We must remain vigilant in prayer, seeking His guidance and wisdom, not relying on our own choices and decisions but on His.

This may come to us in a feeling of discomfort. It may come from consistent messages we find cannot be coincidence. Maybe we just feel a little nudge. Something that’s telling us something just isn’t right. That nudge is, most of the time, the Holy Spirit, encouraging us to delve deeper.

You can start with using the study tool offered yesterday, through my blog post Pause & Reflect – Delving Deeper. It’s a great tool that will help you focus on specific topics and assist you in understanding the scripture behind those subjects and how they can help.

Meditating and Praying

However, I do also encourage you to meditate and pray on those words and scripture you’ve identified in your studies. As you make specific observations in your studies, you’ll be able to write down your thoughts and those will spearhead your prayer time.

And speaking of prayer time. Back to the purpose of today’s message. I just want to encourage you to be in prayer during this time of pause.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

~Philippians 4:6

Please accept this FREE Prayer Guide – for such a time as this. I do hope it helps you to focus on current events and what our purpose is, right now. For such a time as this. Join me in staying watchful in prayer. ~Dale

Honor God|Grow in His Grace|Encourage Others|Walk in His Truth.

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