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Transformation Takes Heart

by Dale

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The Rut

We all fall in a rut from time to time. And to be perfectly transparent, I believe I’ve been in one myself as of late. So what are some tips we can each use to help ourselves climb out of that pit? Because the worst thing we can do is wallow in it. When that happens we make the decision to stay there, albeit an unconscious one I’m sure, and somehow find normalcy in it.

But that pit. That rut. That is not the place God has intended for you. He has things so much greater in store for you! You need to get up, dust yourself off, and move forward!

Climb out of that pit!

I know that’s not always easy. Remember, I’ve admitted to you I’m right there with you. And many times, there is no cut and dry answer to help. No special formula. No easy solution. You just have to take one step at a time. Climb one inch higher, until you get to the top and then crawl, if you have to, out of that hole!

One of my most favorite characters in the bible is Joseph, son of Israel (Jacob). Joseph was loved more by his father than any of his brothers because he was the child of his old age, yet his brothers were jealous of this and so they conspired to kill him. In their cowardice, they left him in a pit to die. And here begins the story of how, time after time, Joseph found his way out of the pit, and into a better way of living.

The Ask

So what’s it going to take for you to climb out of that pit; crawl your way out of the rut you’re in and transform your situation? I believe the answer to that is heart. That’s right, heart. What has gotten you into that rut is more than likely the same thing. Heart. And transformation takes heart.

First, I suggest you make yourself a list by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Where does my heart lie right now?
  • Am I in this case of the doldrums because I’m depressed?
  • Have I found myself here because I’m bored?
  • What is my current attitude toward life?
  • Have I set myself goals?
  • Have I forgotten what it takes to make me smile?

The Answer

Now, the tough part. You need to answer those questions honestly. If you’ve lost your way, if you’re unsure where your heart lies right now, I suggest you begin with the Psalms. Psalm 1:1-3 tells us how blessed is he who stays rooted in the Word. And truly, this can be the answer to all your questions. Meditating on the Word, delving into scripture, obeying its guidance and instruction.

Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

~Joshua 1:8 NLT

If you find you’ve answered question two with a yes, revert back to the solution to your answer for question one. Start with the Psalms. They are pure poetry. The Psalms provide a means to praise. Their prose consoles and in any situation, we find a means to worship. When we worship, it takes our mind off of ourselves and onto Him. When we do that, we are lifted.

Has boredom placed you in the pit? That’s an easy one. Go for a walk. Call a friend. Read a good book. Go back to the answer for questions one & two; read the Psalms. And remember, that’s only a start. You’ll find yourself thumbing through the chapters and books in your bible, wanting to know more.

Next, I believe those last three questions can be answered in tandem. If you’ve found yourself in the pit, you probably don’t have the best attitude; and if your attitude is poor, well, setting yourself goals will take your mind off of negativity and place it toward positive creativity; through positive creativity you’ll experience “all the feels” and find yourself incessantly smiling.

The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.

~Psalm 19:8

The Transformation

I mentioned earlier there is no easy solution. There is no special formula to get you out of that rut; that pit of non-productivity and angst. Yet, through going through the exercise of answering those few questions above, we found our eyes led to scripture. We found ourselves reading the Psalms and through that, worshiping and praising. We found that transformation takes heart.

But, also, through this we experienced the transformation of our hearts. And even though we so often concern ourselves with our outward appearance, the LORD cares about the inward. He cares about where our heart lies.

But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

~1 Samuel 16:7 NASB

My Daily Dozen

I’ve created this simple Goal Sheet to help you in your transformation and I’m offering it to you for FREE. It’s called My Daily Dozen. After all, there’s no need to complicate the process. And really, anything goes. Your Daily Dozen can include simple things like getting up the first time your alarm goes off, making your bed, doing ten minute stretches, reading a devotional, meditation, getting to work early, folding the laundry, washing the dishes…

My Daily Dozen

My Daily Dozen was created to help you and me transform ourselves through daily goal crushing. We start with something simple and build ourselves up from there. Our list should always include the study of scripture, meditation time, and most of all prayer. Remember, transformation takes heart!

From one transforming heart to another ~ Dale

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

~2 Corinthians 3:18

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